Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kimche Jjigae, Cute Kitten and Violent Student

Nothing too super exciting happened today. My coworkers and I went back to the same restaurant for lunch with the tied up kitten so I got to play with it for a while. It's the sweetest little kitten you've ever seen; so loving and gentle. It never pulls it's claws out and every time I pet it, it wants to lick/clean me. I had kimche jiggae and it was surprisingly delicious considering I'm not a fan of kimche. 

I didn't attempt to find food at a restaurant tonight. Instead, I came home and cooked chicken breast in a pan with olive oil. The only seasoning I have is salt and pepper and a sliced apple was my side dish. The food here is extremely healthy and cheap. It's just hard to find right now since I'm not yet familiar with where anything is in the town. The obesity rate here is under 4%. I don't think I have to worry about gaining weight, but I'm worried about losing muscle because I haven't found a gym. I've lost 12 pounds in a little over a week, but I think most of that is being up and moving around on my feet all day rather than sitting behind a desk as a Flash developer. The sidewalks are too icy right now to run on and you also have to watch out for cars here as a pedestrian. Crosswalks here are dangerous. Drivers pay pedestrians no mind and run red lights like crazy. I'm hoping I can find and map out a nice running trail soon. I'm anxious to find some good hiking as well.

I've actually been too jet lagged, hungry and exhausted from work to work out lately, but today I've felt the most energized I've felt since I got here. I think my body is getting used to the time change. 

One kid in my class has severe anger issues and actually scared me a little today. He roams the classroom and never participates. When he's approached, he lashes out and becomes violent. I was teaching my class today and he snuck over to the corner, behind one of the shelves and grabbed a pair of sharp teacher's scissors. Before I knew it, he had them pointed outward with a stabbing motion, coming towards the other kids with them. Some of the kids were really scared. I had to slowly approach him, smile with a gentleness and carefully take them from his hands and say "thank you". 

The rest of the kids are great. They are much more well behaved though when a Korean teacher is present because most of them have no clue what I'm saying. Their English levels are very low.
kitten in restaurant

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